Why I'm So Happy

01 I leave tomorrow for Tel Aviv.

Rarely have I been so happy as now, because I am now at rest, with my family in North Carolina, and in complete vacation mode. But that is not all; a lot of my happiness is from the excitement of planning future adventures, of knowing they will come.

It's the Alternating Theory of Happiness. My happiness is greater because I know going to a new place involves a lot of discomfort, risk, and learning.  Without those challenges, I becoming irritating and gain weight.

But now I revel in my current comfort, not bored with it, knowing that I'll be challenged soon enough. Alternate experiences always show up.


I'm really looking forward to seeing my prince charming again. It's been a long three weeks away from him.


For those of you who feel things deeply and like to experience far out places, my prince's micro-blog Last Stoppers is worth bookmarking. He updates it with photos and words about Last Stops. What is a Last Stop? Click over to his blog to find out.


Seventeen Hours, Breast Size, and Marriage


The Real Packing List